Saturday, February 24, 2007
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Decorating your cabin
I like to decorate my cabin with christmas lights @ nite and add a few other key home decorating pieces as well such as a frisbee or two. I remember my first year as a counselor and I watched an old seasoned counselor (Manny from Lynn Evans week) bring in all different types of lighting, alarm clocks with a radio and window fans galore. I have since graduated up to the christmas lights.....there is something special about walking back "home" to your cabin after campfire....there is an excitment in the air!
Verse of the moment...He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done. Proverbs 19:17
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
folks, we've got a race!
Here's where we're @
(or at least the best I can tell)
Old School Green Shirts with White Lettering 9 votes
Tye Dye Green and White, Lettering TBD 12 votes
If you haven't voted NOW is the time, hit comment and
cast your vote.
Friday, February 09, 2007
dream with me...
The best way to predict the future is to invent it.
Alan Kay
This is a HUGE playground facility in Doylestown, PA. If you google around the internet you can find more info. This playground was built by the community.
I have had a dream ever since a good camp friend pointed out how badly our playground needed to be fixed and how much our playground is utilized.
The dream is not quite as big as this playground, but it is big. After you have a dream the next step is to have a goal to make it a reality.
And all steps before/after and during require prayer. Pray with me and let's see where God brings us.
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Staff Shirt Update
Tye-Dye II
Blue w/gold letters I
Green w/white letters IIII
Choc. brown w/creme letters I
Purple w/creme letters I
Anywhere you place a comment will count as a vote. Please vote only once. This is for real. You are deciding the color of camp shirts this year. We will be putting "STAFF" on the shirts and possibly the 40th anniversary logo...we do need to have some surprises!
Hope everyone had a good time @ camp Saturday. I did not attend and bailed at the last minute. I heard the speaker was excellent. I got lots of shouts from those of you who saw my son...thanks!
Verse of the day:
Every good and perfect gift comes down from the Father who created all the lights in the heavens. He is always the same and never makes dark shadows by changing. James 1:17 CEV
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Friday, February 02, 2007
Camp and you
Hi-I just received a letter from Chip @ camp and it stated how much progress is being made on the Capital Campaign. I often think about how camp needs money. It's tough stuff.
A few things I did not always know about camp. Anyone on the camp's board DVCC can better verify these facts.
Of all the money collected from camp fees to send children to camp...this money does not come close to paying for camp to operate. Hard to believe isn't it. Sometimes camp seems so expensive for kids and yet that money doesn't even cover operating costs.
We don't hire cooks to cook for campers and a good portion of maintenance is done by volunteer work. Camp is primarily staffed by volunteers! Camps similar to Manatawny even have paid counselors! Come to think of it, camp is rewarding to me in so many ways I would probably pay to be a counselor. Some people may think camp could be a better steward with their finances and costs and of course they can, all of us can always do a better job with our finances, but let me say this. The people who make financial decisions for camp are prayerful people. They are people who put their love for God above all other things and I like following people like that because it makes me more like Jesus.
Far and above any experiences I have had on earth, nothing I have experienced bonds people and brings people closer to God more then Camp Manatawny.
Maybe a christian concert impacts us or a really, really good sermon, but tops everything.
People are baptized at camp and people develop life-long Christ-like friendships at camp.
Camp changes people for God's glory.
If you had a chance to get Chip's letter--read it. If you didn't, call the camp office or email me @ and I will get you a copy. Like our faith should always be growing, camp with a new pool and new bath houses is growing!!
Tye dye shirts are getting a lot of votes....problem is....they are hard to find at a good price. I really like doing the tie dye in green and white...that was a good idea....Hey Renee' are you reading this?? She said she might be able to dye the shirts for us. Now that's volunteering!
A few things I did not always know about camp. Anyone on the camp's board DVCC can better verify these facts.
Of all the money collected from camp fees to send children to camp...this money does not come close to paying for camp to operate. Hard to believe isn't it. Sometimes camp seems so expensive for kids and yet that money doesn't even cover operating costs.
We don't hire cooks to cook for campers and a good portion of maintenance is done by volunteer work. Camp is primarily staffed by volunteers! Camps similar to Manatawny even have paid counselors! Come to think of it, camp is rewarding to me in so many ways I would probably pay to be a counselor. Some people may think camp could be a better steward with their finances and costs and of course they can, all of us can always do a better job with our finances, but let me say this. The people who make financial decisions for camp are prayerful people. They are people who put their love for God above all other things and I like following people like that because it makes me more like Jesus.
Far and above any experiences I have had on earth, nothing I have experienced bonds people and brings people closer to God more then Camp Manatawny.
Maybe a christian concert impacts us or a really, really good sermon, but tops everything.
People are baptized at camp and people develop life-long Christ-like friendships at camp.
Camp changes people for God's glory.
If you had a chance to get Chip's letter--read it. If you didn't, call the camp office or email me @ and I will get you a copy. Like our faith should always be growing, camp with a new pool and new bath houses is growing!!
Tye dye shirts are getting a lot of votes....problem is....they are hard to find at a good price. I really like doing the tie dye in green and white...that was a good idea....Hey Renee' are you reading this?? She said she might be able to dye the shirts for us. Now that's volunteering!
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