here we go!!!!!!!
I had a chance to pray today....REALLY pray. Wow! When you pray, like groaning, it can really be exciting. It seems like so many crazy things are happening in this world and then I need to remind myself to build treasures in heaven and not on earth. Do you do that, build treasures on earth? C'mon, think about it....what's REALLY important?
People or things?
That answer is to easy, but yet do we practice it?
Go ahead....CRY OUT to God. He wants you to! Pray to Him for things that matter....pray for others.
But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you (Matthew 5:44)
Have you ever had a prayer to God answered??
I have had many prayers answered, and some were some serious prayers. God does answer prayers and He is listening.....just talk with Him....that's what prayer is; talking with God, He's listening....