Monday, May 28, 2007
Monday, May 14, 2007
Wanna work @ camp???
Sunday, May 13, 2007
Saturday, May 12, 2007

God's word is simple.
Come like a child.
Love like a child.
Why worry?
Proverbs 25:21
If your enemy is hungry, give him food to eat;
And if he is thirsty, give him water to drink;
Jesus defined who a neighbor is in Luke chapter 10
If that is our neighbor, who is our enemy?
What if we loved EVERYONE the way He loves us?
Children have love, watch them.
Friday, May 11, 2007

Friday in camp is always the last full day of a camping session.
When Sat comes we are out of camp before we have a chance to even realize what happened.
If we knew on Fri afternoon what we knew on Sat would it be any different.
Would we have hugged more people?
Sat happens so fast
Why can't we think of loving more people on Fri??
Maybe because on Sat....camp is over!
OR it can mean camp is starting....
It just depends on YOUR perspective.
thank you for clean drinking water
thank you that i have never been hungry
thank you that my children have never been hungry
thank you that our children do not die from common diseases
i am a rich man
guide me, teach me,
O'LORD, to use my riches to help others
forgive me Father
use me LORD, to glorify you
thank you LORD for clean drinking water
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
wednesday- WISH!
Wishes....how often do we wish? Birthdays--when we blow out the candles we are supposed to wish. When you blow the fluff from a dandelion, you wish.
You are not supposed to tell your wishes.....here's mine....
I wish that everyone could love like Jesus. I see so many people everyday and most of them want to be good. Imagine the love of Jesus Christ---no really imagine it, He died, for us to live. Gave His life for you and me. Think about it....Him, dying on a cross for YOU....think about it....His arms and feet being nailed to wood....for YOU.
Really. He loves us. Now, can the world love like Him?
Maybe just maybe if we all stop being self-centered for a minute and worry about the person next to us, behind us and across from us....if we think about others 1st....then....maybe if we do that someone will see us doing that and do it too.
Double WOW!!
If we act like Jesus....others may do the same and if all of the others in the world keep acting like Jesus then the next thing ya' know.....We are all in heaven.
Everybody together on this one----
Tuesdays and TROUBLE
Remember the guys who left their fishing to go and be with God (Jesus). Who were they? Where they any different then you and me?
Jesus said; "Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men". I wrote a few posts ago about being leaders...Jesus wants us to follow. follow Him. Are we washing feet? Are we serving others? So here we are...working-studying-living a family life and are we fishing for men? Are we letting Jesus Christ shine out from us? When you are doing your daily life do people know who you are? Do they know what you believe? Are you steadfast in what you know to be true?
Everyday at work, work engulfs me and takes over for me. It becomes who I am, when I want who I am, to be Christ. STOP!!! I want to be like Him!!!
The bible tells us to pray for wisdom and pray for understanding for these are far more valuable then rubies ( have you seen beautiful rubies???). Pray for these things----Pray for wisdom and understanding.
what matters?
Monday, May 07, 2007
Mondays and PURPOSE
As we get up and out for this exciting day....what is our purpose?
When I am at camp and arise to the sound of basketballs dribbling on the court I am usually looking forward to a day of being filled with the Spirit and filling others with the Spirit.
It seems so easy to do at camp and difficult to do at home//school//work.
It is actually very easy....Our purpose @ camp and in our normal daily world
ARE ONE and the SAME.
It's our attitude that gets in the way....
camp is easy, loving and nurturing.....
the daily lives we lead usually are not, they are of the world.
Our purpose is to change the world....fill it with Christ. Fill it with love!!
If we show Jesus, people will know and we will have fulfilled our purpose.
Have purpose.
Have Christ.
Show Him through love.
Enjoy the week....spring has sprung and camping sessions are around the corner!!!
Wednesday, May 02, 2007
On leadership....
...when you break trail, you need to push branches & rocks out of the way....the branches tend to have thorns and it is a fight to get through and make a new trail. People will question you as to what you are doing and where you are going. Listen to them....consider their words and adjust if needed, but regardless continue on in the main direction you are led to go....pull the thorns out and accept the loss of blood. Learn how to break the trail and learn to lead. Stay focused on what you know to be right and be sure to have integrity. Be authentic in who and what you are. Not everyone will stay with you and that's ok. The right path is the narrow one.
Enter through the narrow gate.
For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction,
and many enter through it.
Matthew 7:13
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