Monday, December 29, 2008
2 9 (twenty-nine)
Chapter 29
Verse 13: The poor man and the oppressor have this in common: The LORD gives sight to the eyes of both.
Verse 11: The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace
That's all your getting tonite....want more, go read the entire chapters of each
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
O' Holy Nite

IMAGINE-- The scene above is not the scene of the Chirst's birth. The Lord was born in a manger all pretty with hay and friendly barn animals just like when you go to the petting's the picture I have, I doubt it is accurate.
I imagine much like His death, His birth was not in a plesant environment. Jesus was born dirt poor, literally.
And to think of the poor....think of them. They are so thankful for everything.
Tonite like all nites is holy. When you know Jesus, you know the poor and when you know the poor you know that every nite is holy.
Peace on earth comes from knowing Christ; may you know Him.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
the world's greatest ride
I have never experienced anything quite like this. Nervousness, a rush, fear, adrenaline, more fear and then a desire to experience it all again. Maybe I have experienced something like this Kingda Ka before and it's called LOVE.
Be it love or a roller coaster they tend to bring out those same emotions.
I'm sorry Jesus for the times I have let you down. I'm sorry when my roller coaster is headed to the ground. And then I read your word or am encouraged by a brother and my coaster is climbing to the top, reaching for my eternal dwelling place.
Jesus my life is like this roller coaster and I am thankful that you are the track my coaster is attached to...thankyou.
Friday, December 12, 2008
my parents seperated & divorced when I was 12 years old. we played Rummy 500, a family fave and then they said they had to explore if they "still" loved each other....they determined they didn't.
I have found NOTHING consistent in this world.
after my parents divorced my italian grandmother was "there" for me. I loved her, she loved me. she made me pop-corn and bologna and american cheese on white bread with butter and would always have Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer in in the fridge for me. i loved her. she loved me. it was consistent. she was always there....
till she wasn't
she died
she left
she left forever
and then i knew
God is forever....NOTHING ELSE, but Him.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Psalm 107
and he brought them out of their distress.
Let them give thanks to the Lord....
for He is good, His love endures forever, His unfailing love, His wonderful deeds for men,
For He satisfies the thirsty and fills the hungry with good things.
The upright see and rejoice, but all the wicked shut their mouths.
Whoever is wise, let him heed these things and consider the great love of the LORD.
ahhhh....the Psalms, sweetness!
Saturday, November 29, 2008
ahhhhh the joys of camp
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Giving to the poor
YET another post about the homeless.
C'mon people WHERE was Jesus? Who was he with?
Where did He hang?
with the poor.
sure it's their fault right?
I mean why else are they poor in AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL? Huh? Why?
If they can't get rich here they must be sluggards.....right?
(read major sarcasm throughout this post)
the homeless, the fake homeless and the poor of the world.
Please, please start to see them...Our Saviour not only saw them, but lived with them can't we at least give to them?
just a little
for your sake?
Sunday, November 23, 2008

If you can give Camp Manatawny one day a month or maybe even one day every two months then please submit your name to -- so we can submit your name to the construction dudes.
Camp Manatawny has all kinds of handy man things that need to get done and the more hands....the lighter the work.
So if you or someone you know can help out once in a while;
Get your name submitted before someone else takes that spot.
Enjoy the day(s) till we blog again!
Monday, November 17, 2008
What's so funny about peace, love & understanding?
with God, all things are possible.
thereisnothingfunny about peace, love & understanding
look to the light
the light of Christ.
He is real
He is the Son of God
no joking
no kidding
seek Him
He's always been there
Friday, November 14, 2008
Tonite I sleep in lower Garrett
Tomorrow is part of the annual DVCC board meeting. We met tonight as well and did what you do at meetings---talk and listen.
I much prefer action then meetings, but I guess to some extent meetings are important to figure out what the action should long as that's what we do, figure out the action and then do it I am fine with meetings.
Saturday, November 08, 2008
the WORD
Joshua 24:15
I recently visited a church far, far away in Pacific Grove, California and then I had recently visited another church two hours north of my home.
I get the same thing everywhere in these churches......they "talk the talk" of scripture---AMEN?
Sure AMEN!
But I think to myself....we all talk this talk of scripture, but do we walk the walk?
Do we actually and truly serve the Lord or do we just say we do?
It would be a no, no to accuse either of these churches or even my own church of being nothing, but words of the bible, but yet, this is what I think....they have the scripture down and they preach it aloud and they hold each other to it---
But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it—he will be blessed in what he does.
Book of James
Church you cannot ever get enough scripture and we NEED the word of God in our lives constantly, but we also need to be doers. We need to put action behind the words of God.
God expects it and demands it of us....
How do people know you are a Christian, a believer other then by your words?
Friday, November 07, 2008
Proverbs 6:30-32
The thief mentioned above is stealing; why?
Is he stealing out of greed or need?
The verse continues on....
But when he is found, he must repay sevenfold; He must give all the substance of his house.
Ok....makes sense...right?
The verse continues on saying that if "one" commits adultery that he is lacking sense and that he destroys himself.
I see a classic case here.....the poor who beg and steal to live and survive we pass judgment upon and the wealthy who hurt and steal and cause corruption do so out of greed, but I am not so sure we see them as much of a sinner as the one who steals to survive.
Jesus was with the poor quite a bit
There's a reason why
Thursday, October 23, 2008
t w e n t y - f i v e c e n t s
Monday, October 20, 2008
Then we get out in the world and start to lose touch.
Surround yourself with like-minded people. People who LOVE the LORD.
...and also do this:
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Philippians 4
Since, then, you have been raised with Christ, set your hearts on things above, where Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2Set your minds on things above, not on earthly things. Colossians 3
Monday, October 13, 2008
SYG Stand Your Ground
This Sat @ Camp will be the annual Stand Your Ground rally.
SYG starts @ 10 AM and goes till 8 PM.
This will be ANOTHER amazing day @ camp.
Whenever we have a gathering at camp it is an amazing time and this is no exception.
I will be there breaking down the canteen for the winter and my lovely wife will be preparing the food. Looks like TACO nite will be in full force a camp fave!
The speaker is Adam's going to be good I just checked out his blog---some pretty cool stuff check it out at---
till then---peace
Thursday, October 02, 2008
Ted is gone...
I have become a public transportation junkie of late so that's what I did...
went to work from SOUTH JERSEY to Old City Philly---Old City Philly is near the river--think geography. Then about an hour before my lesson I left work, guitar in hand....I ran into Yolonda the homeless lady whom I talk too and she was impressed I played (she hasn't heard me!) and we found conversation on Ted the homeless guitar guy, it was common conversation ground. Well....she said...."they took Ted away yesterday." A warrant had been out for him and now he's gone. No one knows if and when he will be back and all I could think about was that he would now have a clean bed and daily food. Apparently being on the street must be better then prison food and shelter. Freedom is precious. I digress....I had been wanting to play guitar with Ted for a long time and I just never got around to it---now Ted's gone.
My opportunity has been wasted.
I then took the the Frankford El to 52nd street and walked the six plus blocks to 50th & Pine.
WOW....was I ever out of place walking here. I would like to think I have no fears when around people etc...but I was definitely out of my element and sticking out like a sore thumb....when I asked for directions the fella giving me them advised me to stay on the MAIN ROAD and not digress....he was trying to say----you will be much safer white boy if you stay in the public areas.
And this was during brite shining sunlight!
I took his advice and found my place of lesson and when the lesson was completed I added a new train to my repertoire----the TROLLEY of which the best part is the 1st trolley just passed me by and let me tell you---he KNEW I wanted him to stop...he just kept on trolleying so I asked a passer-by what I had to do to get the trolley to stop and he said "sometimes the drivers are just like ignorant like that". No worries...I caught the next one.
Take advantage of time friend......who's your Ted? Mine's gone!
Thanks for reading.
Love, Tate
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Camp is about Christ and we need your kids this summer.
1,000 campers is the goal.
the tag line of "leave no kid behind" is easy.
we don't need no stinking tag line....we just need your kids, at camp.
send them
(it will change a life)
everybody----staff & board
get kids to camp.
Friday, September 26, 2008
steak & corn, corn & steak
It's at camp....what else do you need to know.
Camp, camp, camp, camp.
c-u there!!!!
don't be there!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
homeless part 29
So I have befriended Ted....a guitar player. I gave him some strings and I love contributing to anyone playing...hearing their music kinda hits home for me....besides Ted plays a mean Old Love....which is a great bluesy tune.
So today I see Ted and say hi and his eyes kinda lite-up as he stops playing and he says; "do you know a woman", sure I say, my wife. Well I have stuff here she might kinda like as he pulls various weird stuff from a bag....stuff like a plug in deodorizer and hands me the stuff with this amazing happiness....'cause he is GIVING to ME.
I say it all the time. GIVE TO GIVE
when you give----it is a beautiful Christ like thing....and isn't that who we want to be like?
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
a day @ camp
Sunday, September 07, 2008
the exciting topic of V-i-s-i-o-n
daniel 12:2
OKAY---not the "vision" you expected is it???
Here is vision---knowing that when your physical body dies---your real ife begins.
quite simple, but then again Jesus Christ is simple stuff it's us men ( & women) that complicate it!
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Friday, August 22, 2008
staying balanced

Today I need to stay balanced. This morning I could not find my pocket bible----so I felt like I was going to miss my reading....then, then I remembered that the Internet is a wonderful thing and I clicked over to and completed my reading.
Now---I have some heavy duty meetings today in DC---things that have been weighing on my mind and it is time to confront them and deal with the consequences. Folks--this is not going to be fun. So my mind and mental state have been not as confident as I would like (life's like that sometimes).
But just like balancing on that big platform with all kinds of things going on---STOP & focus---I did, I read Proverbs and then I reread my reading....then I talked with God and thought about what I read and wow....I am in a much better place.
You can be too.
read His word!!!!!!!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
splendor of a King
Friday, August 15, 2008
Camper of the Week
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Fight the good fight
knowing that the testing of your
And let endurance have its perfect result,
the moment

He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
Inter II 8/2-8/9

Friday, August 01, 2008
Here we COME!!!!!!!
Need to finish a window display @ work
tidy up a few last minute things at work
rent a wet vac from Home Depot and suck stuff out of my streetside cleanout and then flood my basement to suck out the muck from the other day
mentally prepare campfire devos especially tomorrows!
get bandanas---can't seem to find my bag full
make sure Nathaniel is able to go to camp ( I am so last minute)
try to convince Tony's grandmother that Tony should go.....this is MAJOR last minute
figure out lgoistics to get everything-everyone to camp
go to REI---don't ask it's real last minute
try to find some christmas lights manatawny
the only thing I will really and truly need to bring----forget everything else---if it comes it comes, if it doesn't make it, it doesn't so the only thing I really and truly need to bring to camp is my..........B I B L E
and God will take care of the rest---AMEN?
Saturday, July 26, 2008
10 Things you might not know
2. The CLAW is a true story!
3. If you type in Camp Manatawny on Youtube there are videos
4. Camp now has it's own travel website CLICK HERE----
5. The new bathhouse will be built this fall ( let me add spring just in case :)
6. We are hoping to have a zip line installed with a high climbing wall in spring of '09
7. The frog toilet seat came from Carol Bailey's house
8. The totem pole is gone ( i think it's in storage)
9. Doug Edwards the new fundraiser guy has been around camp so long that----he is the one who designed the Indian Chief!
10. I am not going to go into the "whys" here, but bottom line is---Camp Manatawny needs your money to continue to grow and bless every single soul that walks onto the property and every single soul that ever hears those words.....CAMP MANATAWNY
opps I forgot one----whenever Little Red Wagon is sung God sings along!
c u there!!!
I heard from a good friend who was @ camp last nite that three sisters got baptised in the name of Jesus, wow, wow & double wow!
I just spoke with Jeffrey----Jeffrey is my mailman. He is leaving for Jamaica and South Beach Miami---Jealous, want to go??? Jeffrey is going by himself. His girlfriend died this past April and his father died last August. I had talked to him after his dad died last year. I talked to Jeffrey about real life.....Life that lasts forever (and for those that read here, here's a treat---Sat's campfire Devo is about "forever"), I really didn't think my talk meant anything major to Jeff and I still don't...BUT, what do you say to someone who lost their girlfriend just FOUR months ago?!
1st.....I am sorry about your loss. You can have no words that will fit this situation, but your verbal expression of sorrow will suffice.
2nd....after some time I explained to Jeffrey a little of how I think....
a. this world is a horrible place it is Satan's domain
b. Heaven and forever and the path that leads there.
after doing this ever so gently, but not w/o w/b surprised how receptive Jeffrey was and others have been.
people may not let you know they think about this stuff, but they do quite a bit, don't you?
So if they are thinking about 'em along.....
So Jeffrey's response?
Apparently after his dad died he had moved in with his girlfriend (that's a whole 'nother blog session---don't go there!!) and his girlfriend, before passing had introduced him the the church, where he was baptised!
The Holy Spirit is ALIVE people!!! The Spirit is hungry.......feed Him!!!!!!!
((((( if anyone is @ camp starting today little Alexia from Collingswood will be there--TAKE REAL GOOD CARE OF HER)))))
Friday, July 25, 2008
what's going on??????
God is at work in my heart.....He is showing me more and more as I
---- READ that clearly now----as "I", look for Him and pursue Him....."Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46
so.....whatcha think....huh???? A fine, ultra fine, super fine, extra sweet, super bright PEARL....that's H E A V E N and what would you do to obtain it??
One man would SELL everything he had just to obtain it!!
For's simple----seek Him in ALL that you do and you will discover the cost He states.
Read His word
Pray to Him
Fellowship with other people who look for and know Him
then, if you do all WILL see the "dappled sunlight" every single day and it is spectacular....truly, truly spectacular.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
In my meager 45 years of existence I have never, ever heard a weather forecaster or a radio or a internet post describe an upcoming days like this---nope, not ever!
Wed. Aug. 6
Brillant Sunshine
Brillant Sunshine, say it again with me....
hey like the SON always shines @ camp, and yes, He shines brillantly!!!
and now the world knows!!!!
Monday, July 21, 2008
Rock n Roll

Will you stir up the water?
Will you change your life??
Will you go underneath the cool stillness of the water and break free through the surface a forgiven person???
Everything the world has is temporary. It is all just a passing of the moment.
To break the surface of the water is to make the moment last forever, not a lifetime, but FOREVER.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
what does it all mean?

it doesn't seem to end. the people are like servants and loving.
and so I sit in a hotel with people all around me that are dead to Christ and truly there is NO LIFE amongst these people. there is hurt and pain and most even don't know it. their hearts are hardened. they are living, but not. an impossiability???? NO! The life they have is temporary and the life I have been PROMISED is FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND WITHOUT END--EVER!
and so I sit and hear the people talking of pain and i don't see life and when i talk of life (JESUS) to them they gloss over.
please don't gloss over....please.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
TOP TEN Things you love about camp fire
Friday, July 11, 2008
favor please?!?!?!?!?
I know a lot of you stop here even though there are not any comments. I need a favor today or whatever day you should read this---P L E A S E
I am pleading for this one...seriously. Okay here it is; today when you go about your business make eye contact with as many people as possible and smile.
Just walk around all day looking into others eyes and smile at them. No matter what you think of them or thought of them whether you know them or dont'
look in their eyes
thanking you in advance for your cooperation
love ya'
Thursday, July 10, 2008
leaving camp

No traffic lites, no billboards, no radios, nothing, but love.
Isn't that how God is? Nothing, but love (including tough love)?
How can we bring that love into the hardened hearts of the world?
How can we show the non-Camp Manatawny people the love of Christ? For isn't that the reason for the smiles and the hugs?
I know I must sound super repetitive on this blog.....honestly.....I can't help it. God is simple, not complicated.
I was talking with a good friend of mine today..."Jag" and during the conversation we started talking about the innocence of a child and how they don't question God or His existence. They are more receptive and accepting of God then us adults. Doesn't Jesus talk about that, the innocence of a child?
He does and for good reason.
Be like Mike.....NO, be like Christ.
Mike is divorcing his wife that he no longer loves. Jesus is forgiving us all.....all the time.
Love Him.
Know Him.
Be Him
Monday, July 07, 2008
3rd post of the nite
When I counsel at camp this year I want to have a cabin full. Each cabin has 9 bunks. I am going to have a co-counselor this year that means we will have 7 bunks available. God, please fill them for us and if you have more then seven campers for worries Mark (co-counselor) or I will sleep on the floor. Lord God bring it on!!!!

camp 2nite
topics of discussion included
budgets~~sewers~~camp travel site~~National Advancement Board to be formed~~camp registrations (612)~~camperships~~a new well and pump (currently we have two pumps that pump 12 gallons per minute and that is not enough)
It really wasn't that boring and the board consists of some amazing people!!
Christ-like people!!
the best part was walking onto the property and immediately being greeted by past campers---hugs were flying and high fives and love and love and love and I was walking on sunshine!!!
Camp IS Christ
oh yeah!!!
(baptism pics to be posted later)
Friday, July 04, 2008
Music & Roman Candles
I have been listening to a lot of Switchfoot lately. A really good rock band that is totally in love with God.
I have a live version of this song--- More Then Fine and during the intro to the song Jon Foreman reads this quote from Jack Kerouac...
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”
So---what are you? Are you part of the normal or like a fabulous yellow roman candle and are those around you saying Awww?
If you have Jesus Christ---my are ALIVE!!!!! Live it, give desirous of everything at the same time....everything.
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
the light
It's been a long week---which is better, much better then a short week!
I am always searching. Searching for a way to spread the news. The news of LIFE. Life not as we know it, but life after life. The life we can't imagine, can't fathom, can't do I tell others----the way to let others know is by living and breathing Christ. By allowing Him control of your life. When He has that control...when you've given it up to Him and only then....then others will see Him. His brightness through the life you live will be blinding. Those that meet you will not help, but to see Him....shine...go ahead and S H I N E !
Sunday, June 22, 2008
'nuff said::::: go chk the link
listen loud.....but listen.......
just check the link----thanks!
camp starts
C A R O L I N A B L U E.
There were newcomers to camp and the tried and true camp rats.
I was jealous---in attendance for the Challenge Course (formerly know as low ropes) and here were people ready to start living at camp for the next week! WOW! A solid week of camp---that is amazing! I am jealous in a good way.....happy for them, excited for staff and campers alike to be ready to experience a solid week of Jesus Christ!
Highlights of the 1st day of camp (for me)
a. A certain staff member biked 83 miles to get to camp. this person left their home @ around 5:30 AM and we seemed to hear a yell of accomplishment around 11:00ish.
b. Seeing a co-staffer that I have not seen in around 3+ years and hearing about a year spent abroad in Africa doing mission work.
c. Observing the most creative hairstyles at Senior High.....they wear their hair 'da BEST!
d. Eating lunch in the Dining Hall
e. Having a slushie on a hot day and getting serious brain freeze
hope you have planned a week of camp....if not what are you waiting for?
Saturday, June 21, 2008
Name your all-time favorite campfire song....
which one could you sing at every single campfire forever?????
Saturday, June 14, 2008
First Look!

Monday, June 09, 2008
things are coming together
i am thinking of the many people and the memories i have from camp--
Carl the older staff guy from Vineland
when one of my campers wrote ( i know) on the wall that
camp was F A M I L Y
giving a director the hardware from the flag we burned @ campfire
courtney telling me they made our shirt (God is Good---All the time) and me just smiling
all of my campers dressing up
Brandon the perfect surfer guy-----
saying heavy metal like it was meant to be said
my campers imitating me
lots and lots of hugs
did i say HUGS----Hugs,hugs hugs
and then more hugs
hugs that mean LIFE
because they are hugs of life
hugs of Christ
hugs of life
Karen---you not coming this year has broken my heart
Mary and Mike---1/2 a week!! What gives!!!
debo----Christ in the flesh if ever there was
and sarah----there are no words for you---YOU are that beautiful!!
Lynn Evans---Mark---Manny/Becky your week rocks
its about people---stop and see them---talk to them---KNOW them
and when you are done
give some more
and love some more
people are looking for purpose
the purpose is Jesus
I'm back
not things!
hearing you
seeing you
loving you
loving me
these are the highlights of camp manatawny
Saturday, June 07, 2008
The begining of CAMP!
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
changing the world
Does the world need changing?
Do we need changing?
what...truly WHAT will you have done by the time your life is over?
How do we truly "get happy"?
GOD---listen closely....pssst.....shhhhh listen to the whispers.
God is really REAL---He really is! Jesus is the son of God! He really is!!!!
How do I know????? I have looked for Him.....and I found Him. He is right there.....see Him, feel Him, touch Him ....He already loves YOU......He already knows you....OPEN your eyes-ears and let Him show you the truth.
when your life is done....over what will you have really accomplished?
There is NOTHING---NOTHING you can do in this world that will stand the test of time other then inspiring others to love God.
N O T H I N G----Nothing you can do, but tell/show others the love of Jesus Christ.
Friday, May 30, 2008
absorbing the pain
Monday, May 19, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
I will try to get you some pics!!!!!
Acts 8
As they traveled along the road, they came to some water and the eunuch said, "Look, here is water. Why shouldn't I be baptized?" And he gave orders to stop the chariot. Then both Philip and the eunuch went down into the water and Philip baptized him.
I just love the line----Why shouldn't I be baptized---
think about the gasp or the claps after a baptism---think about it, think about it---THINK!
Friday, May 16, 2008
Prince Caspian!
My son Sean ( I seemed to miss this one) said when Aslan asked Lucy "why she didn't follow Him" she said "because the others didn't"
When Aslan made the call to people to start anew in a new world---Matthew 28. That was pure scripture for me.
When Peter left those who followed him to die because the gate crashed down and they were caught in the castle and left to die.......HEAVY METAL!
and then......when the foursome went back to the real world.....they were with Aslan and then back in the subway....just like real life.
it was a great movie due to the correlation with scripture and the movie--ENJOY!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
if you died tonite....
think about it.
hell scares me.
really, really scares me.
where will you go, where will you be?
will GOD know you when you die?
Only you and GOD know this answer.
there is no tomorrow, there is only today.
make the decision that will last for ETERNITY--- Meet God through His Son, Jesus.
search for Him and you will find Him.
Monday, April 28, 2008
Thursday, April 24, 2008
o n e t h o u s a n d
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
We are looking for SPARKPLUGS you know 'em and MAYBE you are one!
The people who love and live for Camp Manatawny--- WHO ARE THEY?
We need to know who these SPARKPLUGS are so we connect church bodies into camp.
Go ahead and email me with the names of those who want to keep their church and Camp Manatawny connected!
The goal is 1,000 campers folks---- o n e t h o u s a n d c a m p e r s
last year we had only 700 :( and if camp is about any one thing it is campers!
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Final Tally
Carolina Blue w/Navy font by a landslide with twenty - one votes!
special thanks to Conestoga Valley coC for taking the vote over!
Road Crew Orange w/Black font - 10
Turquoise w/White font - 9
Lime Green w/Black font - 7
Navy Blue w/White font - 4
Chocolate Brown w/White font - 4
Brown w/Hot Pink font - 4
Black w/Neon Orange font - 3
Woodlands Camo w/Khaki font - 2
Hot Pink w/White font - 2
Blue w/Orange font -2
Light Purple w/White font - 2
Green w/White font - 1
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Saturday, April 05, 2008
bLuE mOrNiNg
Friday, April 04, 2008
Life in BLOOM
Saturday, March 29, 2008
THE Grand Canyon

Sunday, March 23, 2008
Where I will be....
Two years ago four of us did Yellowstone/Grand Teton now we are going to the big canyon....
if I see a comment or two maybe you will get a pic!
Thursday, March 13, 2008
54 Votes & counting!
What was once a close race is a runaway.
There is still time to overtake Carolina Blue.
Carolina Blue w/Navy font - 18
Turquoise w/White font - 7
Road Crew Orange w/Black font - 5
Navy Blue w/White font - 4
Chocolate Brown w/White font - 4
Brown w/Hot Pink font - 3
Black w/Neon Orange font - 3
Lime Green w/Black font - 2
Woodlands Camo w/Khaki font - 2
Hot Pink w/White font - 2
Blue w/Orange font -2
Light Purple w/White font - 1
Green w/White font - 1
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
the TRUTH about Camp
Monday, March 03, 2008
blue on blue
Turquoise w/White font - 6
Brown w/Hot Pink font - 3
Black w/Neon Orange font - 3
Blue w/Orange font -2
Lime Green w/Black font -1
Woodlands Camo w/Khaki font - 1
Light Purple w/White font - 1
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Romans Christians Soldiers
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Staff Shirt Update
Once you vote you CANNOT change your vote (sorry)!
We may have to cap the colors---you people are insane with your color combinations!
DEADLINE to VOTE is 4/20/08 @ midnite
Conestoga Valley Makes some NOISE!
Some members of a church far, far away from Conestoga are plotting to vote @ the last minute and take everyone by suprise......time will tell.....
The trick is to network the color----get people involved, it's exactly like telling others about Christ---IMAGINE THAT!
Don't just tell them what color to vote for----tell them how to live forever!
Thursday, February 14, 2008
on your mark
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Staff Shirt Countdown...

Past colors have included...
Cardinal Red w/Cream font
Olive Green w/Dark Green font
Royal Blue w/Gold font
Yellow w/Black font
Just VOTE!!!