so my mtg @ camp went from 7-9:30ish. then we went to the pool for three baptisms! a w e s o m e stuff----yeah?!
then we went to garrett hall and sang songs of praise till Erin's parents arrived for the 4th batpism! it was an amazing spirit filled nite. let me say it loudly---camp is just a piece of land....I am at camp a LOT when there are next to no people there, getting canteen ready and mtgs and stuff and it IS NEVER the same as when it is filled with campers, because when it is filled with campers and staff that bring the Holy Spirit to life and you can feel it, touch it and most of all---KNOW IT or should I say ---KNOW HIM?!
camp is home, no camp is a glimpse a peek or a blink of an eye of just a touch of what heaven will be. I was reminisicing with a few campers about our past week together and then I brought up baptism and they grew silent. Sure it's BIG stuff, Huge decisions that impact a life and that is when I realized....our role here on earth. We are building a kingdom. How can anyone not want to build a kingdom or be a part of a kingdom??????
There is SO much MORE to life then this earth people!!! More then you can even begin to imagine. Seek Him out...just look for Him and He will show Himself to you....He is never faraway at all----only we are faraway; if we so choose.
what do you choose?
1 comment:
What a wonderful post! (I have a Serious Throat Lump.)
BTW, my sister and I were talking about Manatawny the other day. She's getting her girls ready for their week at a Texas camp, and it's making us so sentimental about our Camp experience growing up in N.H. (Camp Ganderbrook) and Penn. (MANATAWNY!!!)
My sister, Karen (Fowler) Freeman, said that she can't smell Suave Strawberry Shampoo without being instantly transported to DVCC. I laughed and said that for me, it was the smell of Lysol.
She laughed out loud and said that if she ever simultaneously smells Lysol and Suave Strawberry, she will involuntarily explode into the Camp Clap!! LOL
Happy Camping, y'all.
Kristy Fowler
Abilene, Texas
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