Monday, February 08, 2010

Staff Shirt

Staff shirt time again!

.....oh no!

Really it means; camp is around the corner should He bless us again!

want a say

want an edge?

post a comment or find me

rules & regs w/b out soon


Unknown said...

i still want a teal shirt. like turquoise.

or white text on kelly green. that's a good color on almost anyone!

first suggestion means it's in the lead, right? ;)

Joy Richards said...

pppllleeeaaasseeee....let's do a PURPLE shirt, any shade. that would be awesome!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hasn't some shade of green dominated camp shirts in the past few years??? Teal is not really green so I'd go for that or turquoise. Black and hot pink is a popular combination too and I'd also go for a shade of purple.

Anonymous said...

feelin camo . god army. just a thought

Anonymous said...

I agree with purple or teal!

Anonymous said...

I vote for purple all the way