The 1st day of camp! Yowza! It doens't get any better, does it?

One of the accomplishments of CMAA. New basketball poles, rims, backboards and the obligatory Camp Manatawny Indian Chief!

What will we do in the future? Well the bathhouses are not a pretty investment like the Low Ropes course or the basketball nets and we do need a new playground, but a new bathhouse facility with some bunking capabilities will help camp out a lot. Matthew 21:19 Seeing a fig tree by the road, he went up to it but found nothing on it except leaves. Then he said to it, "May you never bear fruit again!" Immediately the tree withered. Now it can certainly be argued that camp, like the fig tree needs to bear fruit in the form of people. I believe we do that well. Building a new bathhouse or a new playground allows the Camp Manatawny experience to become even stronger and builds people. Camp like church is not a building or buildings. It is people.....people like you and me. Help us build camp and by doing that you are building people and then we ARE a fruitful fig tree.....amen!
are pics going to be posted this year from camp sessions? and if so, where & when? too bad the guestbook isn't up and running to keep updated on this.
Look to smitty.net and find your pics from Sr. High 2 there. No guarantees on other weeks however.
Last week was one of, if not the, best week of camp I've ever experienced. The way God moved through me was incredible, and seeing His power work through me was downright awesome. The campers inspired me with their insights and their hunger for God's Word. This was exactly the kind of week I needed following what had happened 2+ months ago, and although that wound will never heal completely in my life, being around such an encouraging and uplifting group of people was exactly what I needed following such a terrible event. Praise be to God for bringing us all together!
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