The homeless.
How do we see them. Pity? Disgust?
I ask you.....WWJD?
How does God see them?
If you smile at them, they will smile back.
They are more likely to say God bless you then anyone else I talk with.
More people will take pity on the dog then the man.
And what does Matthew 10:42 say and how does it apply here?
How do you handle them...refusal to give $$$, give food instead or just ignorance. Or do you just give them money? What do they do with the money if you give it to them, does it matter?
Jesus hung with the poor...the dirt poor. Is that the equivalent to a homeless person.
I see them almost daily and have had to answer many of the above questions.
Just think...think about it....think about them....they have names and they will bless you.
1 comment:
Humbling picture isn't it. God says that a righteous man cares for his beasts. So, how much more should a righteous man care for the homeless? I have a hard time walking by and feel my pitiful contribution does little. I've listened sometimes when others have warned me off of responding to beggers but my conscience eventually pricked me to go back. Some of those faces are burned in my brain and remind me when I am feeling sorry for myself how much I have to be thankful for. Could I be thankful if I were in their postion? God has apportioned each of us with different abilities and gifts and talents. I wish I was wealthy and could do more but remember that God expects me to use what I have to the best of my means and ability. That may mean a blanket and a bagged lunch or whatever is in my purse at the opportunity. I could fret that I can't do as much as I would like to or that it might be a foolish investment and bury what I have for fear of losing it, or use what I have. I always think of the wedding where none of the guests showed up and the groom went into the streets and invited the poor and beggars and lame ones to the celebration. A cup of water in His name...thanks for reminding us.
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