Saturday, December 10, 2005

Mail Call !

I am thinking of camp these past few cold/wintry snowy days...not really thinking of camp so much as the people. The people who go to camp....I guess it started w/Manatawny Trails coming to my mailbox a few days ago and I sent some emails to some folks and the next thing you know I am talking to some campers I know on the phone.

When I spoke with her today,
I remember telling her that there is no place on earth like Camp,
she said..."I know"
I knew, she knew
and it isn't the cabins or the pool or the dining hall that makes Camp unique,
it is you, the people.
People coming together not to just share that common bond of Jesus
but to grow Him, find Him and make Him a bigger reality.
I am thinking of you all.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

i wonder

i wonder
what camp looks like now
the paths are silent
yet alive
this road is narrow
never wide
special thanks to Margaret Perazzelli for the photo taken one month ago over Trammel Field.

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Stand Your Ground

This weekend Manatawny featured the ever popular SYG Rally....what a great speaker and how about those videos from Rob Bell ??
Great job by Youth Advance for preparing a faith building day. I got to see a lot of new friends, old friends and make some brand new friends. It was a great always the singing was smashing. Camp is great and I love pulling up onto the property and feeling "safe". It's a feeling I can't describe.
Youth Advance has a link on the side of the blog somewhere....check them out!
One of the highlights for me was knowing that Flatlands Church of Christ from Brooklyn New York somehow got a flyer and treked down to was great to have them....I got a chance to meet some of them and they were awesome. Camp continues to grow!!
I know we had people from Delaware, New Jersey, New York and of course Pennsylvania not sure if anyone from Maryland made the trip.

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Go out and make disciples of all nations

Welcome to the first ever CMAA official blog post!
We hope to provide an interactive site to help support CMAA's Mission Statement (see way above). Things are always happening @ camp...this past weekend was no exception...The Annual Booster Dinner complete with Moonbounce!!
Stop back often we will be posting quite frequently...who is the "we" you might ask? Good question...stay tuned for details
Today's scripture Luke 7:23 "Blessed is he who does not take offense of Me."
Special thanks to the Oden family ( ) for the picture taken during Elementary I 2005