Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the city trashpickers

I see them everyday, digging through the trashcans to get something, anything to eat and now we have these....the new & improved trash compactor which the people who eat out of the trash, can no longer access, and someone explain to me how a culture of people who can't even get trash into the old open circles of the former trash cans are going to find the time to even open this for their trash!

aahhhhh progress!

Monday, May 11, 2009

tiebreaker ends @ midnight

Hey all!

Voting for 2009's staff shirt ends at midnight tonight. We had a tie between Safety Green w/Black fotn and Black w/Pink font.

The only way to vote this time is to pop an email over to campmanatawny@yahoo.com

Once you've done that you have completed your civic duty for the day.


Sunday, May 10, 2009

love sweet love

what the world needs now
love sweet love

it's the only thing that there's just to little of

(that's all i have today...nothing else)

Saturday, May 02, 2009

the field

You can have lots of different fields.
Baseball fields, fields of corn or sunflowers and fields of people.
This is about fields of people.
& fields of dreams.
The field is wherever you work or go to school.
There is nevera better time to tell anyone about Jesus.
go into the fields....
work the fields