Sunday, October 23, 2005

Stand Your Ground

This weekend Manatawny featured the ever popular SYG Rally....what a great speaker and how about those videos from Rob Bell ??
Great job by Youth Advance for preparing a faith building day. I got to see a lot of new friends, old friends and make some brand new friends. It was a great always the singing was smashing. Camp is great and I love pulling up onto the property and feeling "safe". It's a feeling I can't describe.
Youth Advance has a link on the side of the blog somewhere....check them out!
One of the highlights for me was knowing that Flatlands Church of Christ from Brooklyn New York somehow got a flyer and treked down to was great to have them....I got a chance to meet some of them and they were awesome. Camp continues to grow!!
I know we had people from Delaware, New Jersey, New York and of course Pennsylvania not sure if anyone from Maryland made the trip.

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