Monday, February 08, 2010

Staff Shirt

Staff shirt time again!

.....oh no!

Really it means; camp is around the corner should He bless us again!

want a say

want an edge?

post a comment or find me

rules & regs w/b out soon

Friday, February 05, 2010

there's this "guy" on facebook....

This guy I knew, well didn't know him enough to have his cell...but I could get it easily enough. I liked him. He was a pretty cool guy and I know he believed in God. Now this guy wasn't perfect, well really how would I know if he was perfect, but no one is, are they? Well, this guy I know, he believed in God and followed Him the best he could.

Well....he passed away, suddenly and unexpectedly...but I was his friend on FB.
So he's kinda still there, but he isn't....except I really thinks he's there, I know living eternally...yeah I know, it can sound corny, but it isn't.

So to my friend on know who you day we'll catch up.

Tuesday, February 02, 2010

when God calls....

I'd like to think I would not have denied knowing Jesus, but I know my heart.

God does call we answer or do we deny Him like Peter?

God is calling.

We need to answer.

If we light a lamp, it is for light and we let the light shine.

When God calls and He does call, we need to answer.

Answers need to be like actions.
God is calling, do not deny Him. Light the lamp. Put it on a stand. Let it shine brightly.
Do not be ashamed of light. For it is good. Light is good. God is good.

What can man do to me? NOTHING.

The phone rings incessantly. We need to answer.
Answer with our very life for it is by that that we will gain life.

From the guidebook of life; the Holy Bible.
Luke 22
Luke 8
Psalm 56
Psalm 23

eventually....Peter answered the phone.

Monday, February 01, 2010

grasping the truth

When you find the truth, you must hold on to it at all costs

We live our lives, for what?
In this world we live to live
And as we live we are given opportunities to see
What do we do with the truth when we find/see it?
Acceptance of truth is easy
Application is what those that accept the truth are called to do

What and how are you applying the truth?
Have you found the truth?
And more importantly are YOU looking for the truth?

I do not accept the things of this world as truth
I am called by the truth which is God to be His
I have accepted Him
I am following
He restores my soul.
He leads me in paths of righteousness
for his name’s sake.
Truth- what is "wrong" with that bible verse above?
He "restores" my soul! Wow! He restores my soul....pure beauty!
He leads me in paths of "righteousness" there anything better?
Why? "for His name's sake???? Not for me, not for the Philadelphia Eagles or the Dallas Cowboys, not for republicans or democrats, not for LOST or Jersey Shore, but for Him!

Him is God and His Son; Jesus did roam the earth....right? You can believe He existed...right? And if so I challenge you to seek the TRUTH.

I have found the truth and will continue to "grasp" it for the time I am granted and for this reason-
Psalm 23 continued:

Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all of my days of my life, and I shall dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

What more could you want, really?