Saturday, July 26, 2008

10 Things you might not know

1. The reason we don't have a diving board anymore is that Jr II breaks it and replaces it every year and then it was determined it w/b safer w/o it.

2. The CLAW is a true story!

3. If you type in Camp Manatawny on Youtube there are videos

4. Camp now has it's own travel website CLICK HERE----

5. The new bathhouse will be built this fall ( let me add spring just in case :)

6. We are hoping to have a zip line installed with a high climbing wall in spring of '09

7. The frog toilet seat came from Carol Bailey's house

8. The totem pole is gone ( i think it's in storage)

9. Doug Edwards the new fundraiser guy has been around camp so long that----he is the one who designed the Indian Chief!

10. I am not going to go into the "whys" here, but bottom line is---Camp Manatawny needs your money to continue to grow and bless every single soul that walks onto the property and every single soul that ever hears those words.....CAMP MANATAWNY

opps I forgot one----whenever Little Red Wagon is sung God sings along!

c u there!!!





I heard from a good friend who was @ camp last nite that three sisters got baptised in the name of Jesus, wow, wow & double wow!

I just spoke with Jeffrey----Jeffrey is my mailman. He is leaving for Jamaica and South Beach Miami---Jealous, want to go??? Jeffrey is going by himself. His girlfriend died this past April and his father died last August. I had talked to him after his dad died last year. I talked to Jeffrey about real life.....Life that lasts forever (and for those that read here, here's a treat---Sat's campfire Devo is about "forever"), I really didn't think my talk meant anything major to Jeff and I still don't...BUT, what do you say to someone who lost their girlfriend just FOUR months ago?!
1st.....I am sorry about your loss. You can have no words that will fit this situation, but your verbal expression of sorrow will suffice.
2nd....after some time I explained to Jeffrey a little of how I think....
a. this world is a horrible place it is Satan's domain
b. Heaven and forever and the path that leads there.

after doing this ever so gently, but not w/o w/b surprised how receptive Jeffrey was and others have been.
people may not let you know they think about this stuff, but they do quite a bit, don't you?

So if they are thinking about 'em along.....

So Jeffrey's response?

Apparently after his dad died he had moved in with his girlfriend (that's a whole 'nother blog session---don't go there!!) and his girlfriend, before passing had introduced him the the church, where he was baptised!

The Holy Spirit is ALIVE people!!! The Spirit is hungry.......feed Him!!!!!!!

((((( if anyone is @ camp starting today little Alexia from Collingswood will be there--TAKE REAL GOOD CARE OF HER)))))


Friday, July 25, 2008

what's going on??????

so, today on may way to work, my ever so lovely wife puts on the local newsradio station KYW, Newsradio, 1060 (repetitive commercials really do work). AND get this....the weather, what we wanted to hear/know immediately comes on and sure enough the announcer says that right now we are experiencing "dappled sunlight", c'mon now---DAPPLED SUNLIGHT?!

God is at work in my heart.....He is showing me more and more as I

---- READ that clearly now----as "I", look for Him and pursue Him....."Again, the kingdom of heaven is like a merchant looking for fine pearls. When he found one of great value, he went away and sold everything he had and bought it." Matthew 13:45-46

so.....whatcha think....huh???? A fine, ultra fine, super fine, extra sweet, super bright PEARL....that's H E A V E N and what would you do to obtain it??
One man would SELL everything he had just to obtain it!!

For's simple----seek Him in ALL that you do and you will discover the cost He states.
Read His word
Pray to Him
Fellowship with other people who look for and know Him

then, if you do all WILL see the "dappled sunlight" every single day and it is spectacular....truly, truly spectacular.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008


so, like I am checking the weather forecast for when I will be at camp for a week.....hey, it might be 10 days away, but technology rocks and they can forecast things like that these days! so, like I said...checking it out and making sure it is not going to be terribly humid---know what I mean?

In my meager 45 years of existence I have never, ever heard a weather forecaster or a radio or a internet post describe an upcoming days like this---nope, not ever!

Wed. Aug. 6

Brillant Sunshine

Brillant Sunshine, say it again with me....

hey like the SON always shines @ camp, and yes, He shines brillantly!!!
and now the world knows!!!!

Monday, July 21, 2008

Rock n Roll

The calm before the storm. The pool before the water is stirred up and shaken by TRUE LIFE. People deciding to repent and change their lives and be transformed by the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus. The water lays dormant unmoved in the heat of the night. The hot and humid night without a breeze to stir the grasses let alone the water. The people who gather at camp are so amazing and Christ Himself.

Will you stir up the water?

Will you change your life??

Will you go underneath the cool stillness of the water and break free through the surface a forgiven person???

Everything the world has is temporary. It is all just a passing of the moment.

To break the surface of the water is to make the moment last forever, not a lifetime, but FOREVER.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

what does it all mean?

when i step out of the car and into a week of when camp is in session it is the HOLY SPIRIT that engulfs me. time seems to be endless and have no meaning. the people everywhere are encouraging and loving. the people everywhere are forgiving and loving. the people everywhere are patient and loving. the people, the people, the people are like Christ.

it doesn't seem to end. the people are like servants and loving.

and so I sit in a hotel with people all around me that are dead to Christ and truly there is NO LIFE amongst these people. there is hurt and pain and most even don't know it. their hearts are hardened. they are living, but not. an impossiability???? NO! The life they have is temporary and the life I have been PROMISED is FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND WITHOUT END--EVER!

and so I sit and hear the people talking of pain and i don't see life and when i talk of life (JESUS) to them they gloss over.

please don't gloss over....please.

my joy comes in knowing the truth
which will last forever

Saturday, July 12, 2008

TOP TEN Things you love about camp fire

and today's TOP TEN list is (drum roll please) The TOP TEN things you love about CAMP FIRE I'll start:
1. Little Red Wagon
2. The walk back to the cabin in the dark with our trusty flashlights!
3. Hanging out with friends
4. Being scared out of your wits by the CLAW!!!!

Friday, July 11, 2008

favor please?!?!?!?!?


I know a lot of you stop here even though there are not any comments. I need a favor today or whatever day you should read this---P L E A S E

I am pleading for this one...seriously. Okay here it is; today when you go about your business make eye contact with as many people as possible and smile.

Just walk around all day looking into others eyes and smile at them. No matter what you think of them or thought of them whether you know them or dont'

look in their eyes

thanking you in advance for your cooperation

love ya'


Thursday, July 10, 2008

leaving camp

so on monday nite, after a meeting on camp, I had to leave camp. I was not working the week and I had work obligations etc. I ran into this bunch. Two of the boys had been in my cabin and I knew all of them. Their love abounded. Hugs and smiles and hugs and smiles and love, love, love.
No traffic lites, no billboards, no radios, nothing, but love.

Isn't that how God is? Nothing, but love (including tough love)?

How can we bring that love into the hardened hearts of the world?

How can we show the non-Camp Manatawny people the love of Christ? For isn't that the reason for the smiles and the hugs?

I know I must sound super repetitive on this blog.....honestly.....I can't help it. God is simple, not complicated.

I was talking with a good friend of mine today..."Jag" and during the conversation we started talking about the innocence of a child and how they don't question God or His existence. They are more receptive and accepting of God then us adults. Doesn't Jesus talk about that, the innocence of a child?

He does and for good reason.

Be like Mike.....NO, be like Christ.

Mike is divorcing his wife that he no longer loves. Jesus is forgiving us all.....all the time.

Love Him.
Know Him.
Be Him

Monday, July 07, 2008

3rd post of the nite

Dear God,

When I counsel at camp this year I want to have a cabin full. Each cabin has 9 bunks. I am going to have a co-counselor this year that means we will have 7 bunks available. God, please fill them for us and if you have more then seven campers for worries Mark (co-counselor) or I will sleep on the floor. Lord God bring it on!!!!




so my mtg @ camp went from 7-9:30ish. then we went to the pool for three baptisms! a w e s o m e stuff----yeah?!
then we went to garrett hall and sang songs of praise till Erin's parents arrived for the 4th batpism! it was an amazing spirit filled nite. let me say it loudly---camp is just a piece of land....I am at camp a LOT when there are next to no people there, getting canteen ready and mtgs and stuff and it IS NEVER the same as when it is filled with campers, because when it is filled with campers and staff that bring the Holy Spirit to life and you can feel it, touch it and most of all---KNOW IT or should I say ---KNOW HIM?!

camp is home, no camp is a glimpse a peek or a blink of an eye of just a touch of what heaven will be. I was reminisicing with a few campers about our past week together and then I brought up baptism and they grew silent. Sure it's BIG stuff, Huge decisions that impact a life and that is when I realized....our role here on earth. We are building a kingdom. How can anyone not want to build a kingdom or be a part of a kingdom??????

There is SO much MORE to life then this earth people!!! More then you can even begin to imagine. Seek Him out...just look for Him and He will show Himself to you....He is never faraway at all----only we are faraway; if we so choose.

what do you choose?

camp 2nite

arrived to camp @6:40 PM for a camp bored meeting.
topics of discussion included
budgets~~sewers~~camp travel site~~National Advancement Board to be formed~~camp registrations (612)~~camperships~~a new well and pump (currently we have two pumps that pump 12 gallons per minute and that is not enough)

It really wasn't that boring and the board consists of some amazing people!!
Christ-like people!!

the best part was walking onto the property and immediately being greeted by past campers---hugs were flying and high fives and love and love and love and I was walking on sunshine!!!

Camp IS Christ

oh yeah!!!
(baptism pics to be posted later)

Friday, July 04, 2008

Music & Roman Candles

lol....Happy 4th of July!!!!

I have been listening to a lot of Switchfoot lately. A really good rock band that is totally in love with God.
I have a live version of this song--- More Then Fine and during the intro to the song Jon Foreman reads this quote from Jack Kerouac...
The only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones who never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn, like fabulous yellow roman candles exploding like spiders across the stars and in the middle you see the blue centerlight pop and everybody goes "Awww!”

So---what are you? Are you part of the normal or like a fabulous yellow roman candle and are those around you saying Awww?

If you have Jesus Christ---my are ALIVE!!!!! Live it, give desirous of everything at the same time....everything.

Wednesday, July 02, 2008

the light

God is the light, He is the truth---true that!

It's been a long week---which is better, much better then a short week!

I am always searching. Searching for a way to spread the news. The news of LIFE. Life not as we know it, but life after life. The life we can't imagine, can't fathom, can't do I tell others----the way to let others know is by living and breathing Christ. By allowing Him control of your life. When He has that control...when you've given it up to Him and only then....then others will see Him. His brightness through the life you live will be blinding. Those that meet you will not help, but to see Him....shine...go ahead and S H I N E !