Tuesday, May 26, 2009

the city trashpickers

I see them everyday, digging through the trashcans to get something, anything to eat and now we have these....the new & improved trash compactor which the people who eat out of the trash, can no longer access, and someone explain to me how a culture of people who can't even get trash into the old open circles of the former trash cans are going to find the time to even open this for their trash!

aahhhhh progress!

1 comment:

mad4books said...

I hear ya'. But on the other hand, if it cuts down on the city's rat population, that is a definite PLUS. (One time at NCJC, my boyfriend and I saw a rat come out of a Dumpster *right beside us*, and he had to carry me for 100 yards or so until he could convince me to put my feet back on the ground.)

Besides, this lazy culture who can't even hit the open circle with their high-fructose corn syrup-filled fast food containers OUGHT to be feeding the poor from their wallets and soup kitchens, not from the trash. Boaz let poor people (like his future wife) glean REAL FOOD from his fields, not just from the trash his household discarded.

Just my two cents...