Friday, December 12, 2008


i am lonely, i have cried out to my brothers asking for prayers and no one responds?!

my parents seperated & divorced when I was 12 years old. we played Rummy 500, a family fave and then they said they had to explore if they "still" loved each other....they determined they didn't.

I have found NOTHING consistent in this world.

after my parents divorced my italian grandmother was "there" for me. I loved her, she loved me. she made me pop-corn and bologna and american cheese on white bread with butter and would always have Pennsylvania Dutch Birch Beer in in the fridge for me. i loved her. she loved me. it was consistent. she was always there....

till she wasn't
she died
she left
she left forever

and then i knew

God is forever....NOTHING ELSE, but Him.

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